there are many accusations from our Wahabi brothers, that it's the Shia's that are deviated and don't believe in the right belief (meaning that Imam Ali as the righful successors after the Prophet (SAAW), followed by the 11 other Imams who are all part of the Ahlul Bayt and the offsprings of Imam Ali). The fundamental difference, that distinguish the difference between a Shia and a Wahabi, is that Wahabi's believe tha tthe first 4 Khilafah's, Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali are the rightly and justful guided khalifs. But this article proves the Wahabi concept to be invalid, because Hsitorians have narrated hundreds of hadiths, that Uthman ibn Affan and his governors have done many unjust actions, which opened the doors to the Bani Ummayah dynasty, which eventually led to the killing of Imam Hussain during the battle of Karbala, and also the many more Cival Wars and the Killing of innocent Muslims throughout the Bani Ummayah Dynasty. On top of that, Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal (founder of the hanbali sect or madhab) himself said, "no virtues of greatness have been given for any companions like that of Imam Ali", yet History records that the Bani Ummayah Dynasty had abused, curesed and criticize Imam Ali, on the pulpits of many mosques through out the lands ruled by the Muslims. Surely, a big error did occur in the History, and the main supporters of Imam Ali during the History, were the Shiite sect. How then can Shitte be the deviated sect of Islam?
Uthman ibn Affan Khilafah in History of Tabari (Volume 15) - Google Books
Nearly all, if not most of Tabari's Historians have narrated Uthman ibn Affan and his Governors as doing Unjust Actions, who Include:
- Ibn Ishaq (died 761AD) (His grandfather was born before Hijra)
- Abu Mikhnaf (d. 774AD) (His grandfather was participated in Battel of Jamal on Ali's side)
- Waqidi (d. 823AD) (was the one of the passionate teacher of Ibn Sad Baghdadi)
- Ibn Sad Baghdadi (d. 845AD)
- Sayf ibn Umar (d. 796AD)
- Ibn Awn
- Al-Madaini (d. 850AD)
- Mohammad ibn Maslamah (d. 591 - 666AD)(was a Companion of the Prophet (SAAW))
- Zuhri (d. 742AD) (Ibn Ishaq got alot of information from Zuhri)
- Abdullah ibn Muhammadi
- ibn Humayd (One of Tabari''s teachers)
- Jafar and Ali, etc.
- along with other historians :
- History of Yaqoubi (d. 900AD) (History of Yaqoubi wrote a history book before History of Tabari was made)
- Ibn Aathir
- Ansab al-Ashraf (by Baladhuri (d. 892AD)) wrote a history book a bit after History of Tabari was made)
Note : The Prophet (SAAW) birth was born around lived around the 600AD time. So one can find out that these Historians of tabari are Very Early Historians, that some lived during the Prophet (SAAW) time, or One, Two, Three. or Forth Generations after the Prophet (SAAW) passed away.
Ibn Ishaq (reliable historian of the sunni sect, who has narrated alot of the history of the Sira of the Prophet (SAAW) (History and life of the Prophet (SAAW)). A whole movie called, "The Messege", which can be watched in Youtube is derived from Tabari's historians.
Page xiii - General Information about Uthman ibn Affan's Khilafah History:
Page xiv - Tabari's and Uthman ibn Affan Information:
Page 2 - Uthman ibn Affan's Linage:
Page 15 - Narrated by Waqidi: Uthman ibn Affan expanded the Sacred Mosque. But in doing so, some people refused to sell their house, so the Sacred Mosque can replace the land of their houses. Those people who refuse to sell their houses, protested, and Uthman ibn Affan threw them in jail. Abdullah ibn Khalid requested Uthman ibn Affan to take these people out of jail, so Uthman accepted Abdullah's request.
Page 24 - Al-Hakam ibn Abi Al-As was close relation to Uthman ibn Affan. One of the biggest blames given to Uthman ibn Affan by those who rebeled against him, was that Uthman ibn Affan brought Al-Hakam ibn Abi Al-As back from exile. Al-Hakam ibn Abi Al-As, even though a close relative of Uthman ibn Affan, was a big opponent of the Prophet (SAAW) himself. Al-Hakam ibn Abi Al-As had committed many serious crimes and was considered as a criminal, and so the Prophet (SAAW) exiled him to Taif (close to Mecca). Al-Hakam ibn Abi Al-As son, Marwan ibn Hakam and his family use to curse Imam Ali (Sahih Muslim hadith 6229). Marwan eventually became the Khilifah some time after the Event of the Battle of Karbala. Though Uthman showed kindness towards Al-Hakam ibn Abi Al-As, infact he funded Al-Hakam ibn Abi Al-As with gifts and money, along with his other Bani Ummayah relatives. Uthman ibn Affan was known to favour his relatives, over other people, even if his relatives were unjust.
Page 38 - Some of the Wahabi's consider innovation (bidah) in Islam a extremely wrongful act. Narrated by Waqidi: During the Pilgrimage, Uthman prayed 4 rakat prayer instead of 2 rakat. Some Sahaba's made a complain to Uthman ibn Affan, claiming that the Prophet (SAAW), Abu Bakr, and Umar prayed 2 rakat, yet Uthman ibn Affan prayed 4 rakat. Imam Ali also told him that Prophet (SAAW) use to pray 2 rakat.
Page 39: - This Page is related with Page 38, Narrated by Waqidi: that Uthman ibn Affan prayed 4 rakat instead of 2 rakat, which was originally practised by the Prophet (SAAW). Abdur Rahman ibn Awf also made this Complain to Uthman ibn Affan
Page 42 - Narrated by Umar ibn Shabbah : Sa'id was part of the government party of Uthman ibn Affan. According to the narration on this page, Sa'id promised the people that he would not kill one man. But when they opened the door for him, he killed all the men, except for one man.
Page 158 - Narrated by Sayf ibn Umar: Uthman ibn Affan had divided his wealth amongst his relatives from the Bani Ummayah clan. He gave Al-Hakam ibn Abi Al-As family (who was the Prophet (SAAW) bitter enemy and a criminal that the Prophet (SAAW) had exiled him to Taif) 10,000 dirhams each, totally to 100,000 dirhams.
Page 159 - Continues from Page 158
Page 165 - Narrated by Sayf ibn Umar: Some people threw stones at Uthman ibn Affan until he felt unconscious from the pulpit (mimbar).
Page 172 - Narrated by Waqidi: Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr (Abu Bakr's son and a Shiite Sahaba), and Muhammad ibn Hudhayfah were in Egypt, and they were inciting the Egyption people against Uthman ibn Affan.
Page 182 - Narrated by Waqidi: Uthman ibn Affan as mentioned before, gave money and gifts to Al-Hakam ibn Al-As (who was the Enemy of the Prophet (SAAW) and a criminal whom the Prophet (SAAW) had sent to exile). Also, Jabalah called Uthman ibn Affan a Hyena, and claimed Uthman ibn Affan of doing unjust and criminal acts, such as favouring his relatives and close one, such as Marwan ibn Hakam (whose him and his family use to curse Imam Ali), and Muawiya ibn Abu Sufyan (who use to Abuse and critisize Imam Ali and tell his governors to Abuse Imam Ali), Abdullah ibn Amir ibn Kurayz, and Abdullah ibn Sad. Among these men, some were condemned in the Quran, and their blood the Messenger of God (SAAW) has declared lawful.
Page 183 - People informed Uthman ibn Affan that Uthman ibn Affan had incurred great danger, and told Uthman ibn Affan to repent. This time, Jahjah called him a hyena, as mentioned before that Jabala called him a hyena.
Page 186 to 189 - Narrated ibn Ishaq : 600 Egyptions marched on to Uthman ibn Affan. One of the Sahaba's (Companions of the Prophet (SAAW)) wrote a letter to Uthman quoting from the Quran, saying "God Changes not what is in a people, until they change what is in themselves (Quran Verse 13:12). People and the Sahaba's claimed, that they were angered for the Sake of God telling Uthman ibn Affan to stop his Unjust Actions, and repent, and that they would put their swords down until Uthman ibn Affan stops his unjust actions." After this letter from the Egyptions, the people of Medina wrote to Uthman ibn Affan as well, telling Uthman ibn Affan to repent, and the Medina people swore by God, that if Uthman ibn Affan doesn't stop his injustice and repent, they would kill him. Uthman ibn Affan consulted Ali ibn Abi Talib, and said, "I promised them (Sahaba's and other people) before that I will stop my unjustness, but my promise was empty (not fulfilled)." Ali ibn Abi Talib said to Uthman ibn Affan, "the people desire justice more than your death." Ali ibn Abi Talib went to the people, and claimed Uthman ibn Affan would do justice, and Uthman demanded 3 days, thus the people turned back. In those 3 days, Uthman ibn Affan did the opposite what he promised the people, and he started preparing for War against the people and the Sahaba's. Uthman ibn Affan formed a strong army. When 3 days had passed, and saw that Uthman ibn Affan did not fulfill his promise again, the people revolted against Uthman ibn Affan. The people said to Uthman ibn Affan, "did we not leave you (3 days before), so that you would repent and stop your Unlawful Innovations (Bidah)." Then the people claimed, "You have written this letter that we found from your servant." Uthman ibn Affan responded, "I did not write this letter." The people said to Uthman ibn Affan, "you must do either what we promised, or be killed." Uthman ibn Affan said, "I would not step down." So the people beseiged Uthman ibn Affan for 40 nights.
Page 190 and 191 - Narrated by Ibn Awn and other Historians: Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr (the son of the first Caliph, Abu Bakr), but was known to be a Shiite Sahaba, came with 13 men to attack Uthman ibn Affan. Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr seized Uthman ibn Affan's beard and shook it. Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr said to Uthman ibn Affan, neither Muawiya ibn Abu Sufyan, nor Ibn Amir was a help to you. Uthman ibn Affan replied, let go of my beard, son of my brother, then Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr gave the signal to his other men to attack and kill Uthman ibn Affan. Malik Ashtar, also a Shiite Sahaba was an opponent of Sa'id (Uthman ibn Affan governor). Malik Ashtar was known for his big support of Imam Ali. Malik Ashtar fought in Battle of Sifeen on Imam Ali's side. Imam Ali favoured Malik Ashtar very much, and when Muawiya killed Malik Ashtar by paying someone to poison Malik Ashtar, Muawiya was delighted and claimed "I have destroyed Imam Ali's 2 big commanders (One being Malik Ashtar and the other, Ammar Yassir who was killed by Muawiya's and his men in the battle of Sifeen. A Famous report in Tarikh Tabari and Sahih hadith Thirmidhi Hadith: 3800, That the Prophet (SAAW) said, 'the trasgression (unjust) party shall kill Ammar Yassir')". This is how important Malik Ashtar was to Imam Ali and his army.
Page 192 and 193 - Narrated by Waqidi and Muhammad ibn Maslamah: People complained that they found a letter from Uthman ibn Affan's slave, that said, "If Abd al-Rahman ibn Udays comes to you, give him 100 slashes, and shave off his head and beard. Do the same with Amr ibn Hamiq, Sudan ibn Humran, and Urwah ibn al-Niba al-Laythi". Other people asked, "how do you know Uthman ibn Affan wrote this letter". They responsed, supposed Marwan wrote this letter without Uthman's being aware about it, then that is worse, and he must remove himself from the office (government position). They asked Imam Ali to address this issue with Uthman ibn Affan. Imam Ali claimed to Uthman ibn Affan that the Egyptions are complaining against you, but Uthman ibn Affan denied that he wrote the letter.
Page 202 - Narrated by ibn Ishaq: Marwan ibn Hakam (who him and his family use to curse Imam Ali) fought against the people who were trying to attack Uthman ibn Affan. The Egyptions were against Said (who was one of the Governors of Uthman ibn Affan)
Page 203 - Narrated by Jafar ibn Abdullah al-Muhammadi: The people wanted Uthman ibn Affan to abandon his Khilafah, but Uthman ibn Affan insisted on retaining his office.
Page 246 - Narrated by Abdullah ibn Muhammadi: The people did not allow Uthman ibn Affan to be buried in a Muslim Cemetary, and Uthman ibn Affan's body was thrown aside and left unburied for 3 days. Uthman ibn Affan was eventually buried in a Jewish Cemetary, as that is the only place the people in Medina at that time allowed Uthman ibn Affan to be buried.
Page 247 - Narrated by Jafar and Ali: that some of Uthman's daughters wailed in mourning for Uthman ibn Affan's death, and raised their voices. The people took stones, and houted, "Long beared old idiot (Also known as Nathal which they refered to Uthman ibn Affan)", where her daughter was nearly stoned.
Grave of Uthman ibn Affan:
History of the Khilafah by Jalaluddin Suyuti - Virtues of Imam Ali
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Page 184:
Hadith 1: Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Al-Hakim : Those merits which have been related about Imam Ali have not been narrated about any other companion
Hadith 2: Tabarani and Abu Sa'id Khudri : Prophet(SAAW) said to Imam Ali, "are you not pleased to be in the same relation to me, as Harun (AS) was to Musa (AS), except that there is no Prophet after me"
Hadith 3: Prophet (SAAW) said on the day of Khaybar, "I will give the standard tomorrow to a man at whose hands God will give victory, who loves God and his Messenger (SAAW), and whom God and his Messenger (SAAW) love". The people (sahaba's) spent the whole night wondering who it was. The next morning, the Messenger of God (SAAW) said, "where is Ali ibn Abi Talib ?" they (sahaba's) said, "he is complaining of an ailment in his eyes." He (SAAW) said, "send for him." Messenger of God spat in Imam Ali's eye, and supplicated for him, and he was healed to such extent as if he had no pain. Then he (SAAW) gave him the standard
Page 185:
Haidth 4: (Sahih) Muslim narrated by sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas : When this ayah was releaved, "Let us call our sons and your sons..." (Quran 3:61), Messenger of God (SAAW) called for Imam Ali, Fatima, Imam Hassan and Imam Hussain, and said, "O God, these are my family". (Sahih)
Hadith 5: Thirmidhi narrated that the Prophet (SAAW) said, "for whomever I am his Mawla (Master), Ali is his Mawla (Master). O God, befriend whoever befriends him, and be an enemy to whomever is his enemy" (Sahih)
Hadith 6: Ali gathered some people together in the year 35AH in the court of the Mosque, and said : 'I adjure by God, every Muslim man who heard to Messenger of God (SAAW), saying on Ghadir Khumm what he said when he arose. Thirty men stood up and bore witness that the Messenger of God (SAAW) said, "for whomever I am his Master, Ali is his Master. O God, befriend whoever befriends him, and be an enemy to whomever is his enemy"
Hadith 7: The Messenger of God (SAAW) said, "Indeed, God has ordered me to love four, and he informed me that he loved him." It was said, "O Messenger of God (SAAW), name them for us". The Messenger of God (SAAW) said, "Ali three times, then Abu Dhaar, Miqdad and Salman" (Sahih)
Page 186:
Haidth 8: The Messenger of God (SAAW) said, "Ali is from me, and I am from him"
Hadith 9: ...The Messenger of God said to Imam Ali, "you are my brother in this world, and the next"
Hadith 10: Ali said, "By the one who split the grain and created the soul, the Unlettered Prophet promised me that no one would love me except a believer, and that no one would hate me except a hypocrite"
Haidth 11: Abu sa'id al-Kudri said, "We use to recognise the hypocrities by their hatred of Ali"
Hadith 12: The Messenger of God (SAAW) said, "I am the city of knowledge, and Ali is the gate to the city" (Hasan)
Hadith 13: Ali said, "The Messenger of God (SAAW) sent me to Yemen, and i said, 'Messenger of God (SAAW), have you sent me as a youth to judge betweem them, and i don't know what the nature of Judgement is.' He (SAAW) struck my chest with his hand, and said, 'O God, guide his heart and make firm his tongue'." Ali said, "by the one who split the grain, i have never had any doubt about passing judgement between two people" (Sahih)
Page 187:
Hadith 14: Some said to Imam Ali, "why is it that you have the most hadith of the companions of the Messenger of God (SAAW)". He said, "I was such that when i would ask him (SAAW), he would inform me, and when i was silent, he began to teach me"
Hadith 15: Ibn Sad narrated from Ali that someone said to him, "Why is it that you have the most hadiths of the Companions of the Messenger of God (SAAW)." Ali said, "It was such that when I asked him (SAAW), he informed me, and when I was silent, he began to teach me"
Hadith 16: Abu Huraira said, "Umar ibn Khattab said, 'Ali is the best of us in judicial decision'"
Hadith 17: Ibn Masud use to said, "we used to say among ourselve that the best of the people of Medina in judicial decision was Ali"
Hadith 18: Ibn Sad narrated that Ibn Abbas said, "When a trustworthy person relates to us a fatwa from Ali, we do not go beyond it"
Hadith 19: Said ibn al-Musayyab said, "Umar ibn Khattab used to seek refuge with God from every difficult question or case for which there is no (presence of) Abu Hassan (Ali)"
Hadith 20: None of the Companions use to say, "Ask me (any question for I have an answer to it), except for Ali"
Hadith 21: Ibn Asakir narrated that Ibn Masud said, "The most knowledgable of the people of Medina in the laws of inheritence and in judicial decision is Ali ibn Abi Talib"
Hadith 22: Aishia said, "Ali is the most knowledgeable, of those who remain in the sunnah"
Hadith 23: Ayyash ibn Abi Rabiah said, "Ali had whatever you will of cutting tooth in knowledge, he had excellence by reason of his family relations, priority in Islam, his acquaintanceship with the Messenger of God (SAAW), descernment (fiqh) in the sunnah, courage in war, and liberality with property"
Page 188:
Hadith 24: Jabir ibn Abdullah said, "The Prophet (SAAW) said, 'people are from all sorts of stocks, and I and Ali are from one stock'" (Daif)
Hadith 25: Tabarani and Ibn Abi Hatim narrated that Ibn Abbas said, "God did not reveal an ayah (verse of the Quran) beginning (with), ''O you who believe...', but that Ali is its amir (commander) and its eminence. God reproached the Companions of Muhammad (SAAW) in more then one place, but he never mentioned Ali, but with approval"
Haidth 26: Ibn Asakir narrated that Ibn Abbas said, "There has not been revealed about anyone in the Book of God (Quran) what has been revealed about Ali"
Hadith 27: Ibn Asakir narrated that Ibn Abbas said, "Three hundred ayat (verses in the Quran) were revealed about Ali"
Hadith 28: Prophet (SAAW) said to Ali, it is not permitted for anyone to be in a state of Junab (washing the dead body Ghusl) in the Mosque apart from me and Ali
Hadith 29: Tabarani and al-Hakim narrated the Umm Salamah said, "When the Messenger of God (SAAW) became angry, no one dared to speak with him except for Ali" (Sahih)
Hadith 30: Tabarani and al-Hakim narrated from Ibn Masud, that the Prophet (SAAW) said, "looking at Ali is an act of worship" (Hasan)
Page 189:
Hadith 31: Tabarani narrated that Ibn Abbas said, "Ali had Eighteen Excellences which no-one else of this ummah had"
Hadith 32: Umar ibn Khattab said, "Ali had Three Qualities the gift of any one of which I should prefer over high-bread camels". He was asked, "what are they?" He said, (1) He married his daughter Fatima, (2) his dwelling at the mosque, wherein what is not permitted to me in it is permitted to him, and the standard on the day of Khaybar (Sahih)
Hadith 33: Ali said, "I have not been affllicted of any swelling or headache since the Messenger of God (SAAW)", since he drew his hand over my face and sllightly spat in my eye on the day of Khaybar (Sahih)
Hadith 34: The Messenger of God (SAAW) said, "Whoever harms Ali, harms me"
Hadith 35: Tabarani narrates from Umm Salamah that the Messenger of God (SAAW) said, "Whoever loves Ali, loves me, and whoever loves me, loves God. And Whoever hates Ali, hates me, and whoever hates me, hates God" (Sahih)
Hadith 36: Prophet (SAAW) said, "Whoever reviles Ali, reviles me" (Sahih)
Hadith 37: Ahmad (Ibn Hanbal) and al-Hakim narrated from Ibn Abi Said al-Khudri that the Prophet (SAAW) said to Ali, "You will fight for the sake of Quran, as i have fought for it's revelation" (Sahih)
Hadith 38: al-Hakim narrated that Ali said, "The Messenger of God (SAAW) called me and said, 'There is in you a resemblance to Isa; the Jews hated him so much that they slandered his mother, and the Christians loved him so much that they gave him a degree that wasn't his. Now surely two (sorts) will be destroyed: (1)The one who praises Ali to a position for which I am not, and (2) the one who hates Ali, whose hatred brings him to slander Ali'"
Hadith 29: Tabarani narrated from Umm Salamah who said, "Ali is with the Quran, and the Quran is with Ali, and they will not seperate until they come and drink from me from the pool (hawd in the next life)"
Hadith 30: Some people complained about Ali, so the Messenger of God (SAAW) rose and said, "Do not complain about Ali, for by God, he is rough for the sake of God, or in the way of God"
Page 205:
Hadith 31: Ibn Sad narrated that Ali said, "By God, an Ayah (Verse in the Quran), has not been revealed without me knowing about what it was revealed, where it was revealed, and about whom it was revealed. My Lord has given me a very intelligent heart and a true articulate tongue"
Hadith 32: Ibn Sad and others narrated that Abut Tufayl said, "Ali said, 'Ask me about the Book of God (Quran), because there is no ayah but that I know whether it was revealed at night or in daytime, on the plain or in the mountain'"
Hadith 33: Ibn Abi Dawood narrated from Muhammad ibn Sirin, When the Prophet (SAAW) died, Ali was slow to pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr. Abu Bakr met him and said, "Do you dislike my authority?" He said, "No, but I have sworn not to don my mantle, except for the Prayer, until i have collected together the Quran". They (the people) claimed that he wrote it in the order of its revlation. Muhammad ibn Sirin said, "If that book were to come across us, there would be knowledge in it"
In the name of God, the beneficent the merciful.All praise is due to God, Lord of the Worlds.How great God's creation of the universe is, that our Galaxy, Milky Way is even a dot of the entire Universe, yet our merciful God informs us that we should care of for his creation, including the crawling ants.
Is ONLY the Prophet (SAAW) wives part of the Ahlul Bayt (Prophet (SAAW) Family) according to the Sunni view?
And is Verse 33:33 only refered to the Prophet wives (SAAW) according to the Sunni view?
Answer: We have noticed that our brother, has posted his article:
And the brother claims that verse 33:33 of the Quran is ONLY referring to the wives of the Prophet (SAAW). So now if verse 33:33 according to the brother refers to Prophet (SAAW) wives ONLY, so therefore Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain (peace be upon them) are excluded from this verse.
First of all, I'd like to start with by saying, that the Shiite view is that this verse is purely referring to at that time, Ali, Fatima Zehra, Hassan and Hussain (Peace be to all of them). And infact, the famous hadith al-Kisa which has been recorded in both Sunni and Shia hadith books, is related to this verse 33:33. The Quran Verse 33:33, is as follows:
[33.33] And stay in your houses and do not display your finery like the displaying of the ignorance of yore; and keep up prayer, and pay the poor-rate, and obey Allah and His Apostle. Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O people of the House (Ahlul Bayt)! and to purify you a (thorough) purifying.
I quotes the claims the brother has made from his article:
Allah Almighty clearly addresses the wives of the Prophet. If we were to argue that this verse is the verse of purification and that it makes certain people infallible, then we would have to conclude that it is Aisha and the rest of the Prophet’s wives which were made infallible
There is actually not a single verse in the Quran which identifies Ali , Fatima , Hasan , or Hussain to be Ahlel Bayt
The verse was revealed to the Prophet and was referring to his wives The entire verse 33:32-34 was revealed to caution the Prophet’s wives to stay inside their homes so that Allah could keep them pure and spotless
No where does it say in verse 33:33, "that Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O wives of the Prophet! and to purify you a (thorough) purifying".
If God was addressing this verse strictly the wives of the Prophet only, surely in verse 33:33 he would say:
"that Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O wives of the Prophet! and to purify you a (thorough) purifying"
instead of:
"that Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O people of the House! and to purify you a (thorough) purifying"
We can also find out from Sahih Muslim (Hadith 5923), that the wives of the Prophet (SAAW) does not have to be part of his family, as a women lives with a man for a certain period, he then (can) divorce her and she goes back to her parents and to her people. This is hadith is very true, that the wife will never be part of husbands blood, but when they have children, they are always part of their parents blood.On top of that, for the Prophet (SAAW) family, he (SAAW) is going into more deep to describe who his family is, and that is someone whom Zakat has been forbidden. And Zakat was forbidden for Ali, and his offsprings. But Zakat was not forbidden for the wives of the Prophet.
On top of that, the verse of purification (33:33), no one knew the Quran better after the Prophet (SAAW) passing away, then Imam Ali. So as historians have narrated, the battle that occured between Ali and Ayesha, referring to the battle of Jamal, surely Ali would have know the Ayesha is purified and not capable for doing unjustness, so for Ali to fight against Ayesha, and her army, would of been a major sin and mistake committed by Ali and his party and army (Shiite), but most Sunni's have confirmed, that it was Ayesha in the wrong, and not Ali. And look at the justness of Ali and his party, that after winning the Battle of Jamel, Ali did not go and kill or attack Ayesha even more, but he safely escorted her back to her place.
Also, the Prophet (SAAW) told his wives directly to stay in there house (Quran 33:33), yet Ayesha did not stay in her house when she fought with Ali. A battle only happens outside in the open in the battle field, this is directly going the orders of the Quran to the Prophet (SAAW) wives to stay in their houses.
On top of that, historians have written Ayesha did not have good relations with some of the sahaba's, such as Uthman ibn Hunayf. Uthman ibn Hunayf was good Sahaba and a supporter of Ali. This goes to show that Ayesha is not tathir (purified) as she committed many mistakes. But mojority of the Sunni scholars agree that Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain's actions were of people, who was purified, and the historians have proved this by such actions as the Battle of Karbala. From as a young child, Hussain was foretold about the his destiny (of the Battle of Karbala) by the Prophet (SAAW) himself, and such a trategy end was Hussain's life, that not even Firon (Pharoah) killed the Children of Israel in such a way.
Here are the links:
Wives to stay in their house from Quran (verse 33:33):
English Version of History of Tabari, Volume 14, Page 61 - Ayesha leave her house to fight Ali. Narrated by Sayf ibn Umar (Daif):'s+grief+over+those+who+were+killed+at+the+battle&hl=en&ei=PCArTM3pDM6HkAXZ7MTyAw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCoQ6AEwAA#v=snippet&q=mother%20of%20the%20faithful!%20by%20Allah!%20Affan%20is%20a%20lesser%20matter%20that%20your%20coming%20out%20from%20your%20house%20on%20this%20accursed%20camel&f=false
English Version of History of Tabari, Volume 14, Page 67 and 77 - Uthman ibn Hunayf bad relations with Ayesha, as she orded to kill Uthman ibn Hunayf. Narrated by Umar ibn Shabbah (Sahih):'s+grief+over+those+who+were+killed+at+the+battle&hl=en&ei=PCArTM3pDM6HkAXZ7MTyAw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCoQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=when%20they%20had%20captured%20uthman%20b.%20hunayf&f=false
English Version of History of Tabari, Volume 14, Page 64 - Uthman ibn Hunayf bad relations with Ayesha. Narrated by Sayf ibn Umar (Daif):'s+grief+over+those+who+were+killed+at+the+battle&hl=en&ei=PCArTM3pDM6HkAXZ7MTyAw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCoQ6AEwAA#v=snippet&q=do%20you%20say%20such%20things%20to%20the%20mother%20of%20the%20faithful%20Hakim%20thrust%20the%20head%20of%20his%20spear&f=false
English Version of History of Tabari, Volume 14, Page 26 - Uthman ibn Hunayf was a good sahaba, because he sided with Ali and joined his army:'s+grief+over+those+who+were+killed+at+the+battle&hl=en&ei=PCArTM3pDM6HkAXZ7MTyAw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCoQ6AEwAA#v=snippet&q=ali%20sends%20out%20his%20governors%20to%20the%20garrison%20cities%3A%20uthman%20b.%20hunayf%20to%20&f=false
So we need to look for the hadith and historians to find out who this verse is referring to. Another example, is the Quranic verse "[80.2] Because there came to him the blind man". How would we know that who the blind man is from this verse. So We must conduct a research and see what majority of the tafsir, hadith and historian claim who the blind man is in verse 80:2.Alot tafsir books for which inclused both Shia and Sunni tafsir, claim that the blind man was 'Abdullah Ibn Umm Maktum.
Now we have to research who "The People of House (Ahlul Bayt)" are, and who this Verse 33:33 referring to when they mention Ahlul Bayt. A whole bunch of Sunni tafsir and hadith reference has been given in these 2 articles listed below:
On top of that, great Sunni ulema's have declared verse 33:33 referring to Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain. Watch youtube video below (Video is in the language urdu / hindi):
Anyway, We will start with Sunni Tafsir of Asbab Al-Nuzul by Al-Wahidi of verse 33:33:
‘Ata’ ibn Abi Rabah who said: “Some of those who heard Umm Salamah related to me that she mentioned that the Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, was in her house when Fatimah, may Allah be well pleased with her, came with a pot containing a meat dish. The Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, said to her: ‘Call for me your husband and your sons!’ ‘Ali, al-Hasan and al-Husayn came in and sat down to eat from the meat dish while the Prophet was sitting on his place of sleep and he had under him a garment made in Khaybar. Umm Salamah said: ‘I was praying in my room when Allah, exalted is He, revealed this verse (Allah’s wish is but to remove uncleanness far from you, O Folk of the Household…). He grabbed the extension of the garment and covered them with it. Then, he got his hands out, raised them toward heaven and said: ‘O Allah, these are the folk of my household and my closest family members, please remove uncleanness from them and cleanse them with a thorough cleansing’. I put my head inside and said: ‘And I am with you, O Messenger of Allah!’ And he answered: ‘You will gain good! You will gain good!’
Tafsir Al-Wahidi has clearly proves that Ahlul Bayt did include Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain (Peace be to all of them).
Now further on, we will have a look at 6 most reliable Sunni hadith book, Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Thirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Nasai and Thirmidhi. For the brother to claim that the Ahlul Bayt refers to the Prophet (SAAW) wives only, and that verse 33:33 refers to the Prophet (SAAW) wives only, he is surely going against the hadith's of his 6 most reliable books. NO WHERE in this 6 reliable books does it mention that verse 33:33 refers to the Prophet (SAAW) wives AT ALL. Infact, when you have a look at the section of Virtues of the Companions, in the books, Sahih Muslim, Thirmidhi, you will see that the Virtues of Prophet (SAAW) Family is referring to Ali, Fatima, Hassan, Hussain (Peace be to all of them).
Infact, one surprising issue that both the Shia and Sunni people might not have come across is that:
All agree that Ali was the son in law of the Prophet (SAAW), and Fatima was the direct daughter of the Prophet (SAAW). But Sunni view, along with some of the Shia view also agrees that Uthman ibn Affan was the son in law of the Prophet (SAAW), and Uthman was married to the daughters of the Prophet, Ruqayyah and Umm Kulthoom. Ruqayyah and Umm Kulthoom were initially meant to be married to the son's of Abu Lahab (who is condemed in the Quran, Surah Al-Masad 111:1-5). But after the revalation of Surah Al-Masad, Abu Lahab informed his sons, Utbah and Utaybah, to leave thethe Prophet's daughter Ruqayyah and Umm Kulthoom. So after the divorce of Ruqayyah to Utbah, Uthman had proposed to Ruqayyah, and The Messenger of God (SAAW),gave Ruqayyah to Uthman ibn Affan for marriage.
Sunni reference: biography of Uthman ibn Affan (Dhun Noorayn), by Dr. Ali Muhammad AS-Sallabi. Page, 20
So now in agreement to Sunni view, we have 2 son laws of the Prophet, and 3 daughters of the Prophet (SAAW), Fatima who marriage Ali, and Ruqayyah and Umm Kulthoom who married Uthman ibn Affan.
So why in the hadiths, the Prophet (SAAW) claims that his family only is Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain in the 6 reliable hadiths?
Why did not the Prophet (SAAW) in the hadith books sections of Virtues of Companions, refer to Uthman as his family?
Why did not the Prophet (SAAW) in the hadith books sections of Virtues of Companions, refer to Ruqayyah and Umm Kulthoom as his family?
Why was not Uthman ibn Affan part of the mubahila (Quran 3:60 "Come let us call our sons and your sons and our women and your women and our near people and your near people")?
Why was not Ruqayyah and Umm Kulthoom part of the mubahila (Quran 3:60)?
But the fact is that Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain were the special people that God had chosen for the Prophet (SAAW) to claim that these are his best of family, the family that will fight for the Prophet (SAAW) cause after he (SAAW) passes away, the family will fight for the Quran, the family that would fight for justice and stand against oppression, the family that can promote goodness, education and a social justice in the society. This is the reason why the Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain are referred ONLY to as the best family of the Prophet (SAAW) in the sections of Virtues of Companions in the 6 reliable books, because God and the Prophet (SAAW) had trust on Fatima, and her sons, Hassan and Hussain, Zain ul Abideen, Muhammad Baqir, Jafar Sadiq, and so on. It was the Ahlul Bayt who fought for the justice after the Prophet (SAAW) had passed away. You will see in history, Ali never participated in Uthman ibn Affan's government system, and he fought Muawiya who was causing many big fitnah in Islam, and you will then see the son's of Ali, Hasan who fought verbally for the sake of Islam, and then you will see Hussain who never gave the bayyah to the Bani Ummayah (because they were totally unjust), and Hussain prefered to die in Karbala with his family and followers, rather to give the bayyah to the Bani Ummayah rulers at that time. In other articles we will discuss more about history, and we will provide with reference of history from Sunni books.
Below is the list of reference from the 6 reliable books and the historians:
Sahih Muslim 031, Number 5955 from internet, or hadith number 6261 from the book:
Aisha said: The Prophet (SAAW) went out one morning wearing a striped cloak of black camel hair. Al-Hassan ibn Ali came and he enfolded him in the cloak, thenAl-Husain came and he enfolded him in it, then Ali came and he enfolded him in it, then he (SAAW) said, "(Quran 33:33) God wishes only to remove Ar-Rijs (evil deeds and sins)" from you, O members of the family, and to purify you with a thorough purification.
Thirmidhi 3205:
The step-son of Prophet said, "What these Ayat were revealed to the Prophet (SAAW), 'God only wishes to remove the Rijs (evil deeds) from you, O Members of the family (Ahlul Bayt), and to purify you with a thorough purification (Verse 33:33)'. The Prophet (SAAW) called Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain"
Thirmidhi 3206:
For six months, The Messenger of God (SAAW) would pass by the door of Fatima when going to the Fajr prayer saying: "As-Salat, O people of the house! God only wishes to remove Rijs (evil deeds) from you, O Members of the family (Ahlul Bayt)", and to purify you with a thorough purification (verse 33:33)"
Umm Salamah narrated: "The Prophet (SAAW) put a garment over Al-Hasan, Al-Husain, Ali and Fatima, then he said: "O God, these are the people of my house (family),"so remove Rijs (evil and sins) from them and purify them thoroughly (Quran 33:33)." So Umm Salamah said, And am I with them O Messenger of God (SAAW)?He said: "You are upon good" (Hasan)
Sahih Muslim 031, Number 5915:
This hadith has been narrated. on the authority of Shu'ba with the same chain of transmitters. Amir b. Sa'd b. Abi Waqqas reported on the authority of his father that Muawiya b. Abi Sufyin appointed Sa'd as the Governor and said: What prevents you from abusing Abu Turab (Hadrat 'Ali), whereupon be said: It is because of three things which I remember Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) having said about him that I would not abuse him and even if I find one of those three things for me, it would be more dear to me than the red camelg. I heard Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) say about 'Ali as he left behind him in one of his campaigns (that was Tabuk). 'All said to him: Allah's Messenger, you leave me behind along with women and children. Thereupon Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said to him: Aren't you satisfied with being unto me what Aaron was unto Moses but with this exception that there is no prophethood after me. And I (also) heard him say on the Day of Khaibar: I would certainly give this standard to a person who loves Allah and his Messenger and Allah and his Messenger love him too. He (the narrator) said: We have been anxiously waiting for it, when he (the Holy Prophet) said: Call 'Ali. He was called and his eyes were inflamed. He applied saliva to his eyes and handed over the standard to him, and Allah gave him victory. (The third occasion is this) when the (following) verse was revealed:" (Quran 3:60) Let us summon our children and your children." Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) called 'Ali, Fitima, Hasan and Husain and said: O Allah, they are my family. 5915
Sahih Muslim 031, Number 5923:
Yazid b. Hayyan reported: We went to him (Zaid b. Arqam) and said to him. You have found goodness (for you had the honour) to live in the company of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and offered prayer behind him, and the rest of the hadith is the same but with this variation of wording that lie said: Behold, for I am leaving amongst you two weighty things, one of which is the Book of Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, and that is the rope of Allah. He who holds it fast would be on right guidance and he who abandons it would be in error, and in this (hadith) these words are also found: We said: Who are amongst the members of the household? Aren't the wives (of the Holy Prophet) included amongst the members of his house hold? Thereupon he said: No, by Allah, a woman lives with a man (as his wife) for a certain period; he then divorces her and she goes back to her parents and to her people; the members of his household include his ownself and his kith and kin (who are related to him by blood) and for him the acceptance of Zakat is prohibited.
Now we will see what the historians have written on who the family of the Prophet (SAAW) was:
English Version of History of Tabari, Volume 14, The Conquest of Iran, Page 153:
Narrated from 3 historians, Umar ibn Shabbah, Abu Mikhnaf, Muhammad ibn Abdullah Ansari:
When Uthman was elected in the shura, Miqdad saids: "I have never seen such (trategy) things that have visited upon the People of the house after the death of their Prophet (SAAW)."...Then Abd al-Rahman asks Miqdad who are the people of the house. Miqdad replies, "the people of the house are Banu al-Muttalib (Ali's offsprings) and that man is Ali ibn Abi Talib."
English Version of History of Tabari, volume 39, Biographies of the Prophet's Companions and Their Succesors, page 155 (also see footnote of Verse 33:33):
According to Abd al-Ala ibn Wasil and Sufyan ibn Waki: Abu Al-Hamra said, "I lived in Medina for seven months during the Prophet's lifetime, each day at dawn I saw the Prophet (SAAW) come to the door of Ali and Fatima and call, "To the prayer, to the prayer. Indeed God simply wishes to take away the foulness from you and to purify you thoroughly (Quran 33:33)"
Prophet said: whoever wishes to live like me, and to die like me, and to enter the gardens some of whose branches God promised to give me, let him befriend Ali ibn Abi Talib and his descendants, for they will never lead him out through to door of the right path, and never lead him through to door of error.
Such a description has been said about Ali ibn Abi Talib and his family, that the Prophet (SAAW) said whoever wants to be like me, should befriend Ali ibn Abi Talib, yet during the khilfah of Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman, Ali didn't play any role in governorship positions, until he became the khilafah himself after Uthman ibn Affan. This is more proof of Ali ibn Abi Talib's right to be the khilafah after the Prophet (SAAW), and that Ali is part of Ahlul Bayt.
This be enough proof to convince the wahabi's that Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain are part of verse 33:33.
Salaam, and peace to all.